Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems | PRIMA 2016 | Turin, Italy

co-located with the 14th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI 2016).


  • We are sorry to inform that the tutorial of Prof. Pradeep Varakantham is canceled.

    Please check the updated schedule.
  • List of accepted papers, short papers and social science abstract published.

    Please check our papers page.
  • Call for student session deadline EXTENDED through June 20, 2016.


    Student scholarhips grant access to workshops and conference sessions. Please visit ( to find how to request a scholarship.
  • Early bird registration are extendend through June 30, 2016.

  • Call for Student Session

    We accept abstract for student session until June 5th, 2016. Check the call for papers ( .
  • Keynote talks by:

    Prof. Jörg P. Müller, Prof. Phan Minh Dung and Prof. Toru Ishida.
  • Special publications of selected extended papers on the Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, Fundamenta Informaticae, the International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, and the Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation.
  • All accepted papers will be published in the Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence series.