Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems | PRIMA 2016 | Turin, Italy



In order to further intensify interaction with the social sciences, PRIMA has launched a social science track. In this new track, accepted papers will not be published in the standard computer-science conference proceedings, but authors will be offered a fast-track submission (same reviewers, fast handling) to JASSS, the Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (

Important dates

Abstract Submission: 6th of May, 2016
Paper Submission: 8th of May, 2016
Notification of acceptance: 15th of June, 2016
Conference 22th - 26th of August, 2016


Papers should be at most 16 pages in length in the Springer LNCS format.

Papers are to be submitted through the Easychair Conference Management System:
For the SOCIAL SCIENCE track, please remember to check, under the TOPICS section, the box "Social-Science Track".

If you have any question concerning the social science track, please contact Michael Mäs (